Wednesday, February 25, 2015

41 - Enter the Nerd Cave!

Derek Diamond and Zach Dykes of @NerdCaveNetwork drop by the show to discuss the joining of forces of P.C.P. and the Nerd Cave Network, all the cool nerd happenings and guests @Pensacon, Bronies, #podcasting, all the good things that will happen in the future of the network.

@PCPShow, @JayFunktastic, @StephenBScott, @therealbigwall @NerdCaveNetwork on twitter.

Check out Jason's Artwork here

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

40 - Skittles!

Jason Van Beveren @Skittlesdfw of @dropforgegames drops by the show to talk about how podcasting, perseverance, and hard work can land you your dream job in the video games industry! We also discuss some Star Wars tidbits (some potential spoilers), and a topic that includes what video game world we would choose to live in if we have to. The answers may surprise you!

Also, we are a now a part of the Nerd Cave Network!

@PCPShow, @JayFunktastic, @StephenBScott, @therealbigwall on twitter.

Check out Jason's Artwork here

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

39 - Spidey Come Home

The guys give a review of SYN from GoGoDoDo Games, lots of Star Wars discussion because of the book "How Star Wars Conquered The Universe", SpiderMan finally goes home to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and much, much, more!

@PCPShow, @JayFunktastic, @StephenBScott, @therealbigwall on twitter.

Check out Jason's Artwork here

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

38 - Jake & The Batman

Jay, Wally, & Steve discuss how much fun you can have with twitter hashtags, the Daredevil trailer, what the hell is the deal with the "left shark", Nationwide Insurance bumming everyone out #BecauseIDied, more Disney mash-ups, and much, much, more!

@PCPShow, @JayFunktastic, @StephenBScott, @therealbigwall on twitter.

Check out Jason's Artwork here